Gregory Nelson – COVID-19

Dear Any Who Will Listen

The Governor’s office and the Department of Corrections gave a hope of early release and a way to east the fear and worry of COVID-19. This was great for our families and ourselves especially since having less than a year on my sentence I had arrangements for my release. All of this was unwarranted because the early release to ensure my safety and well being was attached to stipulations by D.O.C. that very few if any can meet. I now live within my cell for close to 20 hours a day. I rarely get to use the phone. I fear for my health and have little knowledge of my family’s health. I now live in a stress filled and worry filled life. I am scared of what will happen if COVID-19 enters Greensville. I have yet to see anyone get tested. I don’t get to call home. We only have 4 phone for 80 something people and a few hours is not enough time for everyone to get a call. I have almost 20 hours in my cell with my thoughts to dwell on what will happen when this virus enters this facility. It is scary to think about. 

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