The Humanization Blog
Ultimately, both a primary goal and strategy of The Humanization Project is to highlight for the world the individual, complex, diverse human beings impacted by imprisonment, both past and ongoing. By sharing their strengths and successes, hopes and visions, skills and hobbies, even mistakes and fears, they can be relatable to anyone. Stereotypes will be replaced with human compassion.
Here we present a deep dive into some of the people you’ll be glad to know better, people who are important to their communities and families, people who are far more than their worst day. In various and sundry formats to reach diverse audiences we offer summaries, full written interviews, video interviews with retuning citizens, and more.
Keith Self – COVID-19
To whom it may concern, I am an inmate at State Farm Enterprise Unit. My name is Keith A. Self. I am 68 years old
Sheldon Swilling – COVID-19
My name is Sheldon Swilling and I’m currently serving a sentence at “Powhatan” State Farm Enterprise Unit, and I’m writing this letter with great concern.
Terrence Coley – COVID-19
When I sat and contemplated how I would find the words for such a letter it came to me that the words would find me.
Jeffrey Chaney – COVID-19
When I was in school I learned about events like the Black Plague in history class. I never thought that such an event would happen
Harry “Justice” Traynham – COVID-19
A friend of mine pulled me aside and told me that his sister just died from the coronavirus and now his mom is fighting the